The union of sets A and B, denoted A ∪ B, is the set of elements that belong to set A or to set B or to both sets A and B.
The intersection of two sets A and B, denoted A ∩ B, is the set of elements common to both A and B.
A union B The elements in A or B or both |
A intersection B The elements in A and B |
Find the union or intersection as indicated. Find the intersection and union of sets as indicated. Write the answers in interval notation.
Problem 1 :
(-∞, 1/2) ∩ [-3, 4)
To find the intersection, graph each interval separately. Then find the real numbers common to both intervals.
By observing he first two number lines, between -3 to 1/2 is in common. So,
the intersection is [-3, 1/2).
Problem 2 :
(-∞, -2) ∪ [-4, 3)
Solution :
To find the union, graph each interval separately. The union is the collection of real numbers that lie in the first interval, the second interval, or both intervals.
The union is (-∞, 3).
Problem 3 :
(-2, 5) ∩ [-1, ∞)
Solution :
The intersection is [-1, 5).
Problem 4 :
(-2, 5) ∪ [-1, ∞)
Solution :
To find the solution for (-2, 5), we have to shade between -2 and 5 in which -2 and 5 are excluded.
To find the solution for [-1, ∞), we have to shade between -1 and ∞.
So, union of these two sets will contain the values from -2 to ∞.
The union is (-2, ∞).
Problem 5 :
(-∞, 4) ∩ [-1, 5)
Solution :
(-∞, 4) ∩ [-1, 5)
The intersection is [-1, 4).
Problem 6 :
(-∞, 4) ∪ [-1, 5)
Solution :
The union is (-∞, 5).
Problem 7 :
(-5/2, 3) ∩ (-1, 9/2)
Solution :
(-5/2, 3) ∩ (-1, 9/2)
The intersection is (-1, 3).
Problem 8 :
(-5/2, 3) ∪ (-1, 9/2)
Solution :
The union is (-5/2, 9/2).
Problem 9 :
(-3.4, 1.6) ∩ (-2.2, 4.1)
Solution :
(-3.4, 1.6) ∩ (-2.2, 4.1)
The intersection is (-2.2, 1.6).
Problem 10 :
(-3.4, 1.6) ∪ (-2.2, 4.1)
Solution :
The union is (-3.4, 4.1).
Problem 11 :
(-4, 5] ∩ (0, 2]
The intersection is (0, 2].
Problem 12 :
(-4, 5] ∪ (0, 2]
Solution :
The union is (-4, 2].
Problem 13 :
(-1, 5) ∩ (0, 3)
Solution :
[-1, 5) ∩ (0, 3)
The intersection is (0, 3).
Problem 14 :
[-1, 5) ∪ (0, 3)
Solution :
The union is [-1, 3).
May 21, 24 08:51 PM
May 21, 24 08:51 AM
May 20, 24 10:45 PM