When we multiply decimals, accordingly the number of zeros that we have in 10, 100, 1000…etc. we will move the decimals.
Multiplying a decimal by 10 :
1.3 x 10
Here, we have 10, it has one zero. So we have to move the decimal point to the right of one digit.
Multiplying a decimal by 100 :
3.62 x 100
Here, we have 100, it has two zero. So we have to move the decimal point to the right of two digit.
Multiplying a decimal by 1000 :
56.3 x 1000
Here, we have 1000, it has three zero. So we have to move the decimal point to the right of three digit.
Find :
a) 38 x 10 |
Multiply |
380 |
b) 9 x 100 |
Multiply |
900 |
c) 3.2 x 10 |
Since it has one zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of one digit. |
32 |
d) 0.8 x 10 |
Since it has one zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of one digit. |
8 |
e) 0.71 x 100 |
Since it has two zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of two digit. |
71 |
f) 2.8 x 100 |
Since it has two zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of two digit. |
280 |
g) 0.6 x 100 |
Since it has two zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of two digit. |
60 |
h) 0.83 x 100 |
Since it has two zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of two digit. |
83 |
i) 1.89 x 104 |
Here 104 = 10000, it has four zero. So we have to move the decimal point to the right of four digit. |
18900 |
j) 0.053 x 103 |
Here 103 = 1000, it has three zero. So we have to move the decimal point to the right of three digit. |
53 |
k) 0.0583 x 1000 |
Since it has three zero. we have to move the decimal point to the right of three digit. |
58.3 |
l) 0.187x100000 |
Since it has five zero, we have to move the decimal point to the right of five digit. |
18700 |
May 21, 24 08:51 PM
May 21, 24 08:51 AM
May 20, 24 10:45 PM