Problem 1 :

Match the Story with the Correct Graph

A. I am walking steadily to school. After a while i meet a friend and we walk together. We walk slower than when i was by myself.

B. I am part way to school when i remembered that i have left my homework at home. I run back to get it then run to school.

C. I start to walk to school then i accept a ride with a friend.


Problem 2 :

There are three routes from summerville to long side. Match the route description to the appropriate distance time graphs.

Route A : A two highway direct with speed limit of 110 km per hour. A thirty minute wait at bridge works.

Route B :  wounding mountain road with steep gradients and curves requiring travel at a constant slower speed.

Route C : A two lane highway with speed limit of 110 km per hour and then a winding detour to avoid bridge works.


Problem 3 :

Match the graph to the story.

A. I fill a bucket with water. After a few minutes my dog drinks some of the water. I decide to leave the water in the bucket in case he wants a drink later.

B. I quickly fill a bucket with water but the bucket is split and the water runs out.

C. I start with full bucket of water and pour the water slowly over my seedlings unit the bucket is empty.


Problem 4 :

1. A car leaves a rest stop only to be stuck in stand-still traffic a few miles down the road.

2. The position of a high school classroom door from 30 min before school starts to the end of 3rd period.

3. A frog’s distance from the ground as he is jumping.


Problem 5 :

The distance time graph shown describes the journey of a family travelling from their home in Bangalore to Goa for a holiday. The distance is 560 km.

Explain where the following comments are made in the journey. 

i) We will have lunch now.

ii) This is the fastest section.

iii) At last we have arrived. 

iv)  We are only stopping for petrol.

v)  This is the slowest section.

vi)  This is the longest section.


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