To find the next three terms of the sequence, first we have to understand the pattern of the sequence.

The rule followed in the number sequence is known as pattern.

Find the next three terms of each sequences of each sequence. Next to the problem, describe the pattern in words.

Problem 1 :

4, -16, 64, -256, 1024,…

A) -1024, 4096, -16384          B) -4096, -16384, -65536

C) - 4096, 16384, -65536       D) -1024, -4096, -16384

Solution :

To find the next three, first we have to find out the pattern followed in sequence.

Pattern :

2nd term ==>  4(-4)  ==>  -16

3rd term ==>  -16(-4)  ==>  64

4th term ==>  64(-4)  ==>  -256

5th term ==>  -256(-4)  ==>  1024

6th term = -4(1024) = -4096

7th term = 4(4096) = 16384

8th term = -4(16384) = -65536

Hence the next three terms are -4096, 16384, -65536.

So, option (C) is correct.

Problem 2 :

1, 5, 25, 125, 625,…

A) 6250, 31250, 156250         B) 3125, 15625, 78125

C) 2/3125, 2/15625, 2/78125       D) 2/625, 2/3125, 2/15625

Solution :

Pattern followed :

Every term is being multiplied by 5.

6th term = 5(625) = 3125

7th term = 5(3125) = 15625

8th term = 5(15625) = 78125

Hence the next three terms are 3125, 15625, 78125.

So, option B) is correct.

Problem 3 :

4, 16, 36, 64, 100,…

A) 144, 196, 281        B) 144, 196, 256

C) 164, 196, 307        D) 144, 196, 300

Solution :

To find the next three, first we have to find out the pattern followed in sequence.

Pattern :

4 = 22 16 = 42 36 = 6264 = 82100 = 102

So, the next three terms will be 122142162.

Hence the next three terms will be 144, 196, 256.

So, option B) is correct.

Problem 4 :

4, -12, 36, -108, 324,…

A) -972, -2916, -8748              B) -972, 2916, -8748

C) -4/243, 4/729, -4/2187       D) -4/243, -4/729, -4/2187

Solution :

To find the next three, first we have to find out the pattern followed in sequence.

Pattern :

Multiplying the first term by -3, we get the second term. Multiplying the second term by 3, we get the third term.

6th term = -3(324) = -972

7th term = 3(972) = 2916

8th term = -3(2916) = -8748

Hence the next three terms are -972, 2916, -8748.

So, option B) is correct.

Problem 5 :

1, 9, 25, 49, 81,…

A) 121, 169, 225            B) 121, 193, 225

C) 140, 160, 225            D) 167, 160, 225

Solution :

To find the next three, first we have to find out the pattern followed in sequence.

Pattern :

The square of odd numbers is the pattern.

1 = 12 9 = 3225 = 52, 49 = 7281 = 92

6th term = 112 ==> 121

7th term = 13==> 169

9th term = 152 = 225

Hence the next three terms are 121, 169, 225.

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