What is percent ?

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. If we have to calculate percent of a number, divide the number by whole and multiply by 100.

Hence, the percentage means, a part per hundred. The word per cent means per 100. It represented by the symbol “%”

Problem 1 :

36 is 25% of what number?

Solution :

Let x be the required number.

36 = 25% of x

36 = 0.25 x

Dividing by 0.25 on both sides, we get

36/0.25 = x

x = 144

So, 36 is 25% of 144.

Problem 2 :

8.2% of what number is $2.87?

Solution :

Let x be a number.

8.2% of x = 2.87

0.082 x = 2.87

Divide 0.082 on both sides.

x = 2.87/0.082

x = 35

So, 8.2% of 35 is 2.87.

Problem 3 :

What percent of 1,800 is 846?

Solution :

Let x be a percent.

x% of 1800 = 846

(x/100) ⋅ 1800 = 846

18x = 846

Dividing by 18 on both sides.

x = 846/18

x = 47

So, 47 % of 1800 is 846.

Problem 4 :

What percent of 1,500 is 540?

Solution :

Let x be a percent.

x% of 1500 = 540

(x/100) ⋅ 1500 = 540

15x = 540

Dividing by 15 on both sides.

x = 540/15

x = 36

So, 36% of 1500 is 540.

Problem 5 :

50 is what percent of 40?

Solution :

Let x be a percent.

x% of 40 = 50

(x/100) ⋅ 40 = 50

4x/10 = 50

x = 500/4

x = 125%

So, 50 is 125% of 40 is 50.

Problem 6 :

What percent of 260 is 78?

Solution :

Let x be a percent.

x% of 260 = 78

(x/100) ⋅ 260 = 78

26x/10 = 78

26x = 780

Dividing by 26 on both sides.

x = 780/26

x = 30

So, 30% of 260 is 78

Problem 7 :

790 is what percent of 395?

Solution :

Let x be a percent.

x% of 395 = 790

(x/100) ⋅ 395 = 790

395x/100 = 790

Multiplying by 100 on both sides.

395x = 790(100)

Dividing by 395 on both sides.

x = 790(100)/395

x = 200

So, 790 is 200 % of 395.

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