Equation of parabola 

(y - k)2 = 4a(x - h)

Open right

(y - k)2 = -4a(x - h)

Open left

(x - h)2 = 4a(y - k)

Open up

(x - h)2 = -4a(y - k)

Open down

To find equation of parabola with given vertex and axis of symmetry, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 :

Mark the given vertex in the coordinate plane.

Step 2 :

From the given axis of symmetry, we can make sure whether the parabola is symmetric about which axis. To know the direction of opening, we have to mark the points in the graph.

Step 3 :

Note :

The distance between vertex and focus will be the value of a.

Length of latus rectum = 4a

Problem 1 :

Write the equation the parabola  with vertex (-7, 4), axis of symmetry x = -7 and measure of latus rectum 6. a < 0

Solution :

Equation of axis of symmetry x = -7


Here the equation is in the form x = -a, the parabola will be symmetric about x-axis.

Length of latus rectum = 6

4a = 6

a = 6/4

a = 3/2

Equation of parabola which is symmetric about x-axis and open leftward will be 

(y - k)2 = -4a(x - h)

(y - 4)2 = -4(3/2)(x - (-7))

(y - 4)2 = -2(3)(x + 7)

(y - 4)2 = -6(x + 7)

To get equation of parabola in general form, we expand the above

y2 - 2y(4) + 42 = -6x - 42

y2 - 8y + 16 = -6x - 42

y2 - 8y  + 6x + 16 + 42 = 0

y2 - 8y  + 6x + 58 = 0

Problem 2 :

Write the equation the parabola  with vertex (4, 3), axis of symmetry y = 3 and measure of latus rectum 4. a > 0

Solution :

Equation of axis of symmetry y = 3

Here the value of a is greater than 0. Let us make a graph with the given information.


Here the equation is in the form y = a, the parabola will be symmetric about y-axis.

Length of latus rectum = 4

4a = 4

a = 4/4

a = 1

Equation of parabola which is symmetric about y-axis and open up will be 

(x - h)2 = 4a(y - k)

(x - 4)2 = 4(1)(y - 3)

x2 -  2x(4) + 42 = 4y - 12

x2 -  8x + 16 - 4y + 12 = 0

x2 -  8x - 4y + 28 = 0

Problem 3 :

In the parabola shown in the graph, the point (2, -2) is called the _____ and the point (2, 0) is called the ____.

a)  The line  y = -4 is called the _________

b) The line x = 2 is called the _________


Solution :

From the given graph, it is clear that the vertex of the parabola is at (2, -2)

The point (2, 0) lies inside the parabola and it is at opposite of vertex, then this is focus of the parabola.

Finding the distance between vertex and focus is 4 units. Since it is open upward, equation of directrix will be in the form y = -a.

x = 2 is the vertical line that will divide the parabola into two equal parts. So, it is axis of symmetry. 

In the parabola shown in the graph, the point (2, -2) is called the Vertex and the point (2, 0) is called the Focus

a)  The line  y = -4 is called the directrix

b) The line x = 2 is called the axis of symmetry

Problem 4 :

Write the equation the parabola  with vertex (1, 3), axis of symmetry x = 1 and measure of latus rectum 2. a < 0

Solution :

Equation of axis of symmetry x = 1

Here the value of a is lesser than 0. The parabola is symmetric about x-axis and open leftward.

Length of latus rectum = 2

4a = 2

a = 2/4

a = 1/2

(y - k)2 = -4a(x - h)

(y - 3)2 = -4(1/2)(x - 1)

(y - 3)2 = -2(x - 1)

y2  - 6y + 9 = -2x + 2

y2  - 6y + 9 + 2x - 2 = 0

y2  - 6y + 2x + 7 = 0

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