Equation of parabola 

(y - k)2 = 4a(x - h)

Open right

(y - k)2 = -4a(x - h)

Open left

(x - h)2 = 4a(y - k)

Open up

(x - h)2 = -4a(y - k)

Open down

To find equation of parabola with given vertex and directrix, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 :

Mark the given vertex in the coordinate plane.

Step 2 :

From the given directrix, we can make sure whether the parabola is symmetric about which axis. To confirm the direction of opening the parabola, we have to mark the points in the plane.

Step 3 :

Relationship between focus and directrix is the distance between vertex to latus rectum and vertex to directrix both will be numerically equal.

Then, if equation of latus rectum is x = a, then equation of directrix will be x = -a. 

Problem 1 :

Write the equation of parabola which has focus at (3, 8) and directrix at y = 4.

Solution :

Equation of directrix y = 4

Focus is at (3, 8)

From this information, it is clear that the parabola is symmetric about y-axis.

Focus will be at opposite of vertex and it will lie inside the parabola. 3 is the x-coordinate of the vertex and k be the y-coordinate of vertex.

Distance between vertex and focus = distance between focus and directrix


Vertex point will be the midpoint of focus and directrix and the points are collinear.


Midpoint = (x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2

= (3 + 3)/2, (8 + 4)/2

= 6/2, 12/2

= (3, 6)

So, the vertex is at (3, 6)

(x - h)2 = 4a(y - k)

(x - 3)2 = 4a(y - 6) ----(1)

Distance between vertex and focus :

√(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2

(3, 8) and (3, 6)

=√(3 - 3)2 + (8 - 6)2

=√(3 - 3)2 + (2)2

a = 2

By applying the value of a in (1), we get

(x - 3)2 = 4(2)(y - 6)

(x - 3)2 = 8(y - 6)

So, the required equation of parabola is (x - 3)2 = 8(y - 6).

Problem 2 :

Write the equation of parabola which has focus at (2, -3) and directrix at x = 5

Solution :

Equation of directrix x = 5

Focus is at (2, -3)

From this information, it is clear that the parabola is symmetric about x-axis.

Vertex is at (h, -3), the point which is opposite of vertex and it lie on the directrix will be (5, -3)


Finding the midpoint of focus and directrix, we get vertex

(2, -3) and (5, -3)

= (2 + 5) / 2, (-3 - 3) / 2

= 7/2, -6/2

= (3.5, -3)

So, the vertex is at (3.5, -3)

(y - k)2 = -4a(x - h)

(y - (-3))2 = -4a(y - 3.5)

(y + 3)2 = -4a(y - 3.5)----(1)

Finding the distance between vertex and focus, we get

(3.5, -3) and  (2, -3)

√(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2

= √(2 - 3.5)2 + (-3 + 3)2

= √(-1.5)2 

a = 1.5

By applying the value of a in (1), we get

(y + 3)2 = -4(1.5)(y - 3.5)

(y + 3)2 = -6 (y - 3.5)

So, the required equation of parabola is 

(y + 3)2 = -6 (y - 3.5)

Problem 3 :

Write the equation of parabola which has focus at (-4, -2) and directrix at x = -8

Solution :

Equation of directrix x = -8

Focus is at (-4, -2)

From this information, it is clear that the parabola is symmetric about x-axis.

Vertex is at (h, -2), the point which is opposite of vertex and it lie on the directrix will be (-8, -2)

Midpoint of focus and directrix = vertex

= (-4 -8)/2, (-2 - 2)/2

= -12/2, -4/2

= (-6, -2)

So, the parabola is opening to the right with the vertex (-6, -2). By applying this value in the standard form of parabola, we get

(y - k)2 = 4a(x - h)

(y - (-2))2 = 4a(x - (-6))

(y + 2)2 = 4a(x + 6)  -----(1)

By finding the distance between vertex and focus, we will get the value of a.

(-6, -2) and  (-4, -2)

√(x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2

= √(-6 + 4)2 + (-2 + 2)2

= √(-2)2 + 0

a = 2

By applying the value of a in (1), we get

(y + 2)2 = 4(2) (x + 6) 

(y + 2)2 = 8 (x + 6) 

So, the required equation is (y + 2)2 = 8 (x + 6) .

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