Problem 1 :

On separate Venn diagrams like the one given, shade the region representing :

a)  Not in A

b)  In both A and B

c)  A ∩ B’

d)  In either A or B

e)  A U B’

f)  (A U B)’

g)  (A ∩ B)’

h)  In exactly one of A or B

Solution :

Problem 2 :

Describe in words, the shaded region of :

In X but not in Y

The complement of ‘in exactly one of X and Y’

In exactly two or three of X, Y and Z

Problem 3 :

If A and B are two non-disjoint sets, the region of a Venn diagram representing:

a)  A’

b)  A’ ∩ B

c)  A U B’

d)  A’ ∩ B’

Solution :

Problem 4 :

The diagram alongside is the most general case for three events in the same sample space U.

On separate Venn diagram shade :

a)  A

b)  B’

c)  B ∩ C

d)  A U C

e)  A ∩ B ∩ C

f)  (A U B) ∩ C

Solution :

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