To convert fraction as decimal, we have two different ways.

  • Long division
  • Making the denominator as 10n

Using long division :

The given fraction is in the form a / b, in long division a should be written inside and b should be written outside and continue dividing it until we receive 0 as remainder.

Making the denominator as 10n :

The tricks will be helpful to make the denominator as 10n 

  • 2 x 5 = 10
  • 4 x 25 = 100
  • 2 x 50 = 100
  • 8 x 125 = 1000
  • 16 x 625 = 10000

After making the denominator as 10n, based on the number of zeroes we have at the denominator we have to move the decimal towards the left.

Convert the following fraction as decimal.

Problem 1 :


Solution :

Numerator = 1, denominator = 2

By multiplying 2 by 5, we will get the denominator as 10.

= (1/2) x (5/5)

= 5/10

We have decimal after 5, we have one zero at the denominator. So, we have to move the decimal one digit towards left. So, the answer is 0.5

1/2 = 0.5

Problem 2 :


Solution :

Numerator = 7, denominator = 10

Already the denominator is in the form 10n . We have one zero at the denominator, we have to move the decimal one digit left. So, the answer is 0.7

7/10 = 0.7

Problem 3 :


Solution :

Numerator = 1, denominator = 5

= (1/5) x (2/2)

= 2/10

= 0.2

Problem 4 :


Solution :

Numerator = 3, denominator = 4

4 should be multiplied by 25 to make it as 100.

= (3/4) x (25/25)

= 75/100

= 0.75

Problem 5 :


Solution :

Numerator = 1, denominator = 10

It is in the form of 10n. Moving the decimal one digit towards left, we get

= 0.1

Problem 6 :


Solution :

Numerator = 9, denominator = 10

It is in the form of 10n. Moving the decimal one digit towards left, we get

= 0.9

Problem 7 :


Solution :

Numerator = 4, denominator = 5

= (4/5) x (2/2)

= 8/10

It is in the form of 10n. Moving the decimal one digit towards left, we get

= 0.8

Problem 8 :


Solution :

Numerator = 4, denominator = 50

To make 50 as in the form of 10n, we have to remember 2 x 50 = 100

= (4/50) x (2/2)

= 8/100

Moving the decimal two digits towards left, we get

= 0.08

Problem 9 :


Solution :

Numerator = 8, denominator = 25

To make 25 as in the form of 10n, we have to remember 25 x 4 = 100

= (8/25) x (4/4)

= 32/100

Moving the decimal 2 digits left, we get

= 0.32

Problem 10 :


Solution :

Numerator = 7, denominator = 20

To make 20 as in the form of 10n, we have to remember 20 x 5 = 100

= (7/20) x (5/5)

= 35/100

Moving the decimal 2 digits left, we get

= 0.35

Problem 11 :


Solution :

Numerator = 7, denominator = 25

To make 25 as in the form of 10n, we have to remember 25 x 4 = 100

= (7/25) x (4/4)

= 28/100

Moving the decimal 2 digits left, we get

= 0.28

Problem 12 :


Solution :

Numerator = 2, denominator = 3

To convert it as a decimal, we may use the long division.

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